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The Paragraf Casters Stem Diameter

I have an office chair circa 2000, which have required new roles hardwood. (Broke old), I went to Ikea this weekend and bought a bag of PARAGRAF roles, in the hope they would replace the broken, but unfortunately they are not. The new wheels have a slightly narrower shaft than the older bikes.

You might have luck at a hardware store - my local people wear different sizes of rolls. When the chair is the hole only slightly larger than the roles that you have purchased, you can wind the stem of the caster w / some electrical tape (or etc.) so that they fit snugly. The caster shaft diameter is probably the 11mm type. This is the common wave spec on office chair. Here you find the type of flooring from Amazon. Made by Rolland, RL50P model.

Recently bought a set and it works very freindly on my oak floor, no scratches. Later I found the same from a different place, could save me some bucks. Everything you need to do is measure the diameter of the metal caster stem. There are two most common spec in industry, 9.5 mm and 11 mm. I think your type is probably the 11mm, only measure with a simple ruler to be confirmed.

There are also "sleeves" for mounting a narrow shaft roles in larger holes, but it's always better to get seated properly handle sizes. If you want a huge variety of roles, there are many online sources, such as: wood flooring furniture casters - Caster City. Can anyone confirm the PARAGRAF caster stem diameter?

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